All Saints Sunday Worship

November 3, 2019 | 9:30 am
Place : Sanctuary
Phone : (612) 377-5095

All Saints Sunday is a special time in the life of the church to remember all those who have become a part of the church triumphant as saints in light. During our All Saints worship service the names of those who have died in the past year will be read as candles are lit and the bell is rung. Your family member will be included in this reading. On behalf of the congregation, I would like to invite you and your family to be a part of this year’s All Saints Sunday service at 9:30 on November 3rd. 

All Saints Sunday is also an occasion when friends and members of the Lake of the Isles are invited to honor and memorialize the living saints as well as the the saints in light with a gift to the Endowment Fund. This year, those whose names are memorialized with a financial gift will be included on the Sunday morning worship bulletin and with a flower in a special floral arrangement. 

Blessed be the saints among us and the blessed saints who have gone before us. 
