Dedication of the Zimbelstern

December 3, 2017 | 9:30 am
Place : Sanctuary
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If you look closely at the top of the organ casing in the sanctuary at Lake of the Isles, you can now see a golden star. Truthfully, the star fits in so well with the architecture that you may wonder how you had never noticed it before. The new star is called a “zimbelstern” and is a wonderful enhancement to our organ and will be a part of our worship life for years to come.
The word zimbelstern literally means cymbal star and was a popular stop for organ builders in northern Germany during the Baroque period. It offered a brilliant bright, sound to the music. The Bach organ in the St. Thomas Church in Leipzig actually has two stars on the casing.
The zimbelstern consists of two parts.  The first, the visible, exterior star actually spins as it is played, and the second part, hidden within the casing is a set eight little bells suspending in a box from the roof of the casing. If you look closely, you may see the bells chiming as the rod from the star through the casing rotates mechanically ringing the bells. The effect is similar to the sound of the familiar Christmas decoration of angel tuning by candlelight and ringing bells. Because of its unique sound it is played for special occasions in the worship service and liturgy.  This is the reason we are dedicating this gift on the first Sunday of the church year- the Sunday of Advent.  It is our new beginning.
The zimbelstern has been commissioned by the John Bergford family in loving memory of Bev Bergford who passed away on Valentine’s Day 2017. Bev’s son Rob has arranged for the construction of the star and bells and the installation in the organ. The family is grateful for the many individual who have supported this initiative.
Sunday morning’s dedication service will also include music from the Baroque period composed  Dieterich Buxtehude and performed by the choir and guest musicians.
Come join us in worship on Sunday, December 3rd and experience the wonder of this gift.
Peace, Pastor Arden Haug