January 17, 2016 | 12:00 pm
Place : 2020 West Lake of the Isles Parkway, Minneapolis
Cost : Adults $27 all inclusive, 5-12 $13.50, under 5 free of charge
Phone : 612-377-5095
The end of the Christmas season doesn’t have to be a sad affair. Across Sweden, people celebrate the end of Christmas with singing and dancing and the “plundering” of the caramels and apples still hanging on the Christmas tree and the “house-breaking” of gingerbread houses. According to the royal command of King Knut, who once ruled over England and Scandinavia, he declared in the early 11th century that Christmas should be celebrated for a full 20 days with no fasting, officially ending the holiday season on the 13th of January. On this day in Sweden, on tjugondag Knut (twenty days after Christmas Eve) it is the final holiday party. We will celebrate our own “Christmas Tree Plundering” at our monthly smorgasbord.
Seating is limited, please contact LOTI for reservations.
The monthly smorgasbord not only offers an opportunity for LOTI friends and neighbors to gather for fellowship and enjoy genuine Scandinavian hospitality, but the meals also support the benevolence work of our congregation. Proceeds are directed towards those less fortunate in our immediate community. Through the proceeds of the monthly smorgasbord, LOTI supports Joyce Community Food Shelf, Our Saviour’s Housing and Community Emergency Services.