Rev. Arden Haug
Pastor Arden Haug began his ministry at Lake of the Isles in January 2013. His colorful and innovative use of music, liturgy and the history of the Lutheran Church has evolved over 25 years of ministry in Minnesota and in Europe. He began his ministry as a Norwegian-speaking preacher in Minneapolis in the Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church. It was here that he met his wife Janna. Together as missionaries they established English-speaking congregations in Riga, Latvia and Vilnius, Lithuania. After serving as the Senior Pastor of Christ Lutheran Church in Marine on St. Croix, the Haugs, together with their then teenage sons Vitali and Alexei, were sent to Bratislava, Slovakia where Pastor Haug served as the ELCA’s Regional Representative for Europe. He later became the pastor of the Bratislava International Church and the Director of the ELCA Wittenberg Center in Wittenberg, Germany. Pastor Haug’s doctoral studies in homiletics or the art of preaching are reflected in his personal, relevant and often humorous and inspiring sermons.