LOTI Family Night BBQ, Potluck, and Games

July 8, 2015 | 6:00 pm
Place : 2020 W. Lake of the Isles Pkwy Minneapolis, MN 55405
Cost : Potluck
Phone : 612 377-5095
Email : www.PerfectPotluck.com


 Join us for a BBQ and evening of Fun, Fellowship and Faith with Families at Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church! We will provide the meat and beverages and enjoy what you are able to bring to add to the meal. You can sign up using this form to coordinate who is bringing what to share. Please bring enough to share with 8-10 people.

Games are planned for the kids. We hope you can join us!

If you would like to sign up, you can access the group meal by visiting www.PerfectPotluck.com and locating the schedule by coordinator last name (LaMere) and password (2020).

If you have any questions, please contact Diane LaMere at 612 377-5095[email protected].

NOTE: If someone in your family has a good allergy, please let us know so that we can communicate awareness.
