
Irish Music for St. Patrick’s Day Worship

March 14, 2021 | 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Place : Sanctuary & YouTube
Many Roman Catholic and Protestant churches celebrate the life of St. Patrick as a missionary to Ireland.
Irish pirates kidnapped and sold Patrick into slavery in Ireland, when he was sixteen.He himself admitted that up to this point he cared little for God.
After six years, he escaped and returned to his family in southwest Britain. There he began to prepare for ordained ministry.
Later he returned to Ireland. This time he served as bishop and missionary with his base in the north of Ireland. From there, he made many missionary journeys with much success.
We will celebrate the missionary life of St. Patrick in our morning worship service. Irish music will be performed by Tom Klein, a master uilleann piper. Uilleann pipes are a unique Irish bagpipe. Instead of standing and blowing into bagpipes, performers sit and pump a bellow with their elbow. irishpipertom