

January 21
March 10
May 5

2:00 pm

Music (and love) gives wings to the soul. Let your spirits soar as you experience a season of musical journeys. Join us on four adventurous Sunday afternoons!
We look forward to visiting with you at our post-concert reception

Admission is $25 for individual tickets or pay as you are able. Children & students are admitted free of charge.
Tickets may be purchased in person at the door, or online at Eventbrite.

Sacred Music at Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church calls people of all ages to be “servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.” (1 Cor 4:1) Our choir exists and flourishes to lead and illuminate prayer through profound excellence in musical expression, through the understanding and proclamation of sacred texts, and through a loving desire to respect and enhance the rich liturgical heritage of our faith.

The LOTI Choir prepares music for the 9:30 AM Sunday services (call time: 8:30 AM). Rehearsals are on Wednesdays from 7 to 8 PM. We invite you and your family to become involved in this enriching ministry of service. Curious members may join us for a Wednesday rehearsal or for Pick-Up Choir on occasional Sundays. You do not need to have an angelic voice or advanced knowledge of music. There are really only three criteria necessary for joining:
1) Willingness to commit to scheduled rehearsals and services.
2) Ability to match pitch.
3) Ability to carry a tune. 

For more information, contact our Director of Music, Dr. Kristina Rizzotto.

Jaeckel Organs · Opus 2 (1980) · Duluth, Minnesota

Pipe Organ at Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, MN
Hauptwerk – 56 keys
Prästant 8′
Rohrbourdon 8′
Octav 4′
Waldflöte 4′
Hohlflöte 2′
III Cornet 4′
IV Mixtur 1⅓’
Trompete 8′
Brustwerk – 56 keys
with expressive shutters
Singend Gedackt 8′
Rohrflöte 4′
Prinzipal 2′
III Zimbel 1⅓’
Holzrankett 16′
Pedal – 30 keys
Gedackt Bass 16′
Prästant 8′
Gedackt 8′
Choral Bass 4′
III Hintersatz 2′
Gedackt-Trompete 16′
Brustwerk to Hauptwerk
Hauptwerk to Pedal
Brustwerk to Pedal
20 stops, 28 ranks
Two mechanical combination pedals
Temperament: Kirnberger II

Handcrafted by Larry Haugen · 1980 · Saint Paul, Minnesota