Caritas Concert follow-up
Greetings, fellow LOTI members,
LOTI hosted the annual Caritas fundraising concert on March 23 for Neighborhood Involvement Program (NIP), and it was wonderful!
Many of you know that LOTI was one of the six congregations which founded NIP in 1968, in the true spirit of neighbors helping neighbors. Today, NIP is a comprehensive health and social services agency offering primary and preventive health care, dental care, behavioral health services, and programs for seniors and youth. It serves people in our community without health insurance, or whose insurance has deductibles or co-pays too costly for them to access more traditional health care services. I have the privilege of serving as the LOTI representative to the NIP board of directors, a role held by Mary Sabatke before me. LOTI used to make an financial donation to NIP, but is not able to now; instead, we offer our congregational support in other ways, including hosting the Caritas concert and through individual donations.
The Caritas concert was free, but a good will offering was collected, with donations matched by Thrivent. It’s not too late to support NIP and get your donation matched – please include a donation in next week’s offering, or mail a check to the church, with “Caritas/NIP” noted on the subject line.
Thank you those who attended the concert and have made a donation, and I encourage those of you could not be there to show LOTI support through a donation.