Children’s Ministry October 2022
Children’s Ministry October 2022
Blessing of the Animals
October 2ND
Our annual Blessing of the Animals event in honor of St Francis will be held outdoors near the patio after worship (approx. 10:45 am) This event is for all ages! You can bring your live animals and/or your most favorite stuffed/plush animals for a special blessing by Pastor Haug. If the weather is rainy, we will take turns under the cloister.

Mark Your Calendar
October 23RD: No Sunday School (MEA break)
Winter Gear Drive Begins
October 30TH
Please consider donating gently used or new winter gear to help those less fortunate stay warm this winter. We need winter coats, boots, snow pants, hats, gloves, scarves and socks for all ages. There will be collection bins at both entrances to the Sanctuary. Our drive will end on November 13. Donations will go to Project for Pride in Living