Rally Sunday

September 11, 2016 | 9:30 am
Rally Sunday is wonderful way of reminding people that the programs and activities of the congregation are organized to help them run the race of faith. Congregational celebrations, Bible studies, choir rehearsals and service activities, all have a way of bringing people together to share their thoughts and experiences and to encourage them to keep up the race.  Joining is important, not simply for you, but for what you can offer to others on their spiritual journey.
So join us on Sunday, September 11th as we begin our renewed journey at Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church.  Come and celebrate Dixieland music with the Madson Family.  Enjoy fresh pie and ice cream.  Register for Sunday School.  Join the choir or prayer group.  There are many ways to explore your faith and to experience the excitement of lives running together in faith.  And in all these ways, you will prepare yourself to for distance that is ahead. .