By the time the First Sunday of Advent arrives this year on December 3rd, Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday will all be behind us. Some might argue that this contemporary spirit of commercialism is a negative new phenomena. But it is certainly not new. In the late 1600’s, the composer Dietrich Buxtehude was aware of the business interests of Christmas, especially in his congregation in Lubeck, Germany which was supported heavily by the local Chamber of Commerce. During the season of Advent, he would arrange for special concerts involving additional musicians which the local business leaders sponsored. They all knew that a larger audience would bring more money to their Christmas markets. Besides, evening vespers was a perfect time for special music since the church building itself would be warm from the morning service.
Join us for the First Sunday of Advent on Sunday, December 3rd, as the LOTI choir along with a host of guest musicians will perform Buxtehude’s Advent Cantata 51Rejoice, Beloved Christians.
2020 W Lake of the Isles Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55405
(612) 377-5095