We have reserved the week of July 23 as our week to go to camp!  Kids can sign up for a Snooper week* (Sun-Wed) or a full week (Sun-Fri). Kids in this age group will be in Cabins the week of July 23.  (Note:  if this week doesnt work for your schedule, go to the website to see what is offered other weeks)  

*Snooper camp:  A mini camp 3 night camp experience of new friends, fun, crafts, games, Bible stories, campfires and singing – everything a full-week camper experiences, but in a shorter time frame.

Please contact Pastor Haug or Diane LaMere before registering for some important information to include on the registration form.

Come and learn about how we are blessed by God to be a blessing in the world through music, story, art, play, field trips, and more!  A progressive ecumenical experience offering faith formation in a fun, safe, Christ-centered and relational setting.  Worship, crafts, games, lunch and field trip.  See the registration form for more details.
