137 new and gently used winter gear items were donated and delivered to Project for Pride in Living this past week! Thank you for your generosity and helping those less fortunate stay warm this winter. A special thank you to Carolyn & David Hagford and Linda Nelson for getting the donations sorted and ready to go to PPL!
Twelve care packages will be heading to our college age young adults in the next week – just in time for finals preparation. Thank you to the Sunday School children for helping pack them and thank you to the families who donated the snacks. The college students love receiving this gift of love from LOTI.
Sunday School kids will work on Christmas program music after the Children’s Message and then return to worship.
Sunday School
Children process in worship with Sancta Lucia. Costume fitting during Sunday School.
Children present the nativity scene during the Lessons and Carols service
No Sunday School
Sunday School resumes
This month’s most needed items include oil, peanut butter, tinned meats like tuna, spam, and chicken; Holiday items: gravy, instant potatoes. stuffing, cranberry, and cornbread.
They accept non-expired, shelf stable foods and household items.
Donations can be brought to the wooden cart in Fellowship Hall. We will have volunteers bring them to the food shelf on Friday mornings. If you are interested in helping with transporting donations, please contact the church office.
Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church provides a meal on the second Saturday of each month. Our monthly meals are provided by donation. The shelter orders & serves the meal. Thank you to Mary Sabatke for the November meal in memory of Bruce Sabatke
DEC 14 | Mary Flynn, Twyla Hobbs, Mary Jubenville, Linda Nelson & Denise Wilkens |
JAN 11 | David & Mary Goplen |
FEB 8 | Mark & Kathy Hering |
MAR 8 | Liz & Mike Brown |
APR 12 | Stephen & Leslie Hite |
MAY 10 | Jim Olson, in memory of ChanSoon Olson |
JUN 14 | Available |
JUL 12 | Philip Friedlund & Lisa Isenberg |
AUG 9 | Available |
SEP 13 | Available |
OCT 11 | Pierre & Diane LaMere |
NOV 8 | Mary Sabatke, in memory of Bruce Sabatke |
DEC 13 | Available |
If you would like to sign up to host a month in 2025, please contact the church office. The months available are listed above. Cost per meal is $250. You may contribute online at myvancoor send a check made out to Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church with “Our Saviour’s Meal” in the memo line to the church office.oscs-mn.org
This holiday season, we thank everyone who has supported LOTI this past year with their time, talent and financial contributions and look forward to support from all of our members in the year ahead.
End of the year gifts to LOTI must be received by Tuesday, December 31st.
November 10th~ Winter gear donations due
November 17th~ College care donations due
November 24th~ Assemble college care packages during Sunday School
Please consider donating your gently used or new winter gear to help those less fortunate stay warm this winter. We need winter coats, boots, snow pants, hats, gloves, scarves and socks for ALL AGES. There will be collection bins in the Narthex (back of Sanctuary) and Fellowship Hall. Donations will go to Project for Pride in Living.
Our Sunday School children will be assembling the college care packages on November 24th for our college age members. The Care Packages will contain a letter of encouragement from Pastor Haug, snacks and other fun items. If you would like to donate items for the care packages, please contact Diane LaMere for a list of items needed. The packages will be mailed out after Thanksgiving so that they arrive in time for finals weeks.
This fall we will begin highlighting opportunities to provide donations to the Joyce Uptown Foodshelf. They accept non-expired, shelf stable foods and household items.
This month’s most needed items include oil, peanut butter, tinned meats like tuna, spam, and chicken; Thanksgiving items: gravy, instant potatoes. gravy, stuffing, cranberry, and cornbread. Donations are being collected on the wooden cart in Fellowship Hall.
Donations can be brought to the cart in Fellowship Hall. We will have volunteers bring them to the food shelf on Friday mornings. If you are interested in helping with transporting donations, please contact the church office.
Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church provides a meal on the second Saturday of each month. Our monthly meals are provided by donation. The shelter orders & serves the meal.
Thank you to Richard & Kristie Eklund for October.
NOV 9 | Mary Sabatke, in memory of Bruce Sabatke |
DEC 14 | Mary Flynn, Twyla Hobbs, Mary Jubenville, Linda Nelson & Denise Wilkens |
JAN 11 | David & Mary Goplen |
FEB 8 | |
MAR 8 | |
APR 12 | |
MAY 10 | |
JUN 14 | |
JUL 12 | |
AUG 9 | |
SEP 13 | |
OCT 11 | |
NOV 8 | Mary Sabatke, in memory of Bruce Sabatke |
DEC 13 |
If you would like to sign up to host a month in 2025, please contact the church office. The months available are listed above. Cost per meal is $250. You may contribute online at myvancoor send a check made out to Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church with “Our Saviour’s Meal” in the memo line to the church office.oscs-mn.org
Pastor Rob Ruff, Director of Spiritual Care at Regions Hospital, will lead us in worship on this day,
2020 W Lake of the Isles Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55405
(612) 377-5095