New musicians are always needed to play the hand chimes. We will rehearse on the 2 Sundays prior to the performance. Please contact Pastor Haug if you would like to try your hand at the chimes. 


Deb Gilroy and Lizbeth Brown are looking for members to start a conversational French group. Perhaps you or someone you know would be interested in getting together. If you are an advanced beginner and up, the group will be meeting at approximately 4:30pm on Thursdays at The Kenwood restaurant. The group is open to all. Please come even if you can’t be there every week. 

LOTI Church Council will host Raise the Roof GALA on October 6th to raise funds for a new roof on the parsonage. The event will include food, drinks, silent auction, and live music. 

We are looking for auction items! Examples from the past are artwork, wine and food baskets, use of a cabin or timeshare, as well as voice lessons, special dinners at someone’s house, pottery, cookie delivery, tickets to events, and whatever else you can provide that you think someone else might be interested in procuring! 

If you have an item to contribute, please contact Susanne Haas or Michelle McCreery. 

We are grateful to those who helped take down the old fence & erect the new one last!

Brad Anderson & David Goplen, not pictured.

light-graphic-pink-flower.gifThree infants received the Rite of Holy Baptism in August…

Audra Beatrix Williams
Daughter of Joseph & Erika Williams
Baptized on August 18
Lilyana Aidyn Morell & Erytreia Rafe Morell
Daughters of Rebecca & Shannon Morell
Baptized on August 25

In 1968, the World Council of Church, an ecumenical organization of 340 churches from more the 120 countries gathered in Uppsala, Sweden for a general assembly. For the gathering the Swedish artist Olof Hellström created a sculpture he called the Tree of Atonement. It was a large metal tree with candles for branches which were lit during the time of prayer. The response to this new piece of religious art in the church was immense. In a short time, the tree of lights had evolved into a globe of lights, with Christ the light of the world, symbolically presented as the central light of the sculpture.
The purpose of the light globe is two-fold. First, it is part of a long ecumenical tradition which links lighting candles to offering prayers. Second, the globe itself represents a visual and symbolic expression of God’s kingdom bearing light in and around the world. In an increasingly secular world, churchgoers and curious visitors appreciated the opportunity of lighting a candle in the quiet of an empty church sanctuary during the weekdays. Within years, the use of the light globe in churches quickly spread across Scandinavia. People stop by churches all the time to offer prayers, to reflect and to light candles.
That same sort of secularization has caused many people in America today to search for new forms of meditation as well. Our location along the lake, as well as our beautiful building attract many curious visitors. The question has always been how to offer a welcoming, spiritual open door and sanctuary for those who stop by throughout the week. The new light globe given as a gift by Mary Sabatke and family in memory of Bruce Sabatke is timely. It was shipped from Denmark and just arrived at church. It will be used as a centerpiece for the UN International Day of Peace observance. We will find ways to use it as a part of our regular Sunday worship service, as well as a place where visitors are welcome to meditate throughout the working hours of the week.
The light globe will be blessed as a part of our All Saints Sundayworship service on Sunday, November 3rd, a day before Bruce’s birthday.  The church choir will perform Haydn’s Missa Brevisfor the worship service.

Pastor Arden’s 2020 Tour has 10 places remaining

Featuring the Oberammergau Passion Play as well as
Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Germany 
& the Czech Republic
June 21- July 3, 2020

For information, contact Pastor Arden

This week Dane Peterson and Pastor Haug will be raising the new wooden fence that shelters our HVAC system. There will be three opportunities for volunteering:

Thursday, August 22, 2:00pm

Friday, August 23, 10:00am

Saturday, August 24, 8:00am

Removal of panels and posts

Digging holes and setting posts.

Placing new panels.

Please contact Pastor Haug with the time in which you can help.

Bring work gloves, cordless drills/screwdrivers, & posthole diggers if you have them.



Deb Gilroy and Lizbeth Brown are looking for intermediate or advanced French speakers, to participate in a conversational group. Meetings are held Thursdays, 5:00 pm, at The Kenwood. Late arrival is acceptable.


The pickup choir will sing on August 11th and 18th. Singers, please meet in the Sanctuary at 9:00am.
