The prayer ministry group would welcome anyone who would like to join them on Tuesday mornings in the Christy Room at 9:15-10:00 a.m. Please contact Janna Haug, Deb Gilroy or Linda Nelson for more information if you are interested.
Join us on Wednesday morning for Bible Study at 10:00. The informal study will explore the Epistles of St. Paul. And yes, coffee and treats are a part of every Wednesday morning.
In April 2019, Pastor Haug will lead a European tour to the places where the Haug family served as ELCA missionaries. The 13 day tour entitled Springtime in the Baltics will include visits to Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. For more information contact Pastor Haug
Sunset behind Lutheran Church chimney, frozen Lake of the Isles, Minneapolis, Minnesota, was a popular auction item at the Cut A Rug Gala. To view more of Rob Lingelbach’s photos visit altruistics or
The September 30th fundraiser for the new sanctuary carpeting was a great success! We raised nearly $11,000 in donations for the project. We are grateful to all those who donated time, prizes and services. Special thanks to Michelle McCreery, her sister Georgeann, and Susanne Haas for their work on the fundraiser. And thank you as well to the Starry Night Quartet for their wonderful music.
Sunday School children brought their favorite stuffed animals to church on Sunday, October 7th. In the tradition of St. Francis of Assisi, who blessed the animals and all creation, the favorite furry friends were blessed by Pastor Haug at the end of the worship service. Several live animals were blessed as well, including a sweet little hedgehog named Oreo. Video
A heartfelt welcome is extended to our new members received during the worship service on October 21st…
Mary Flynn
Diane Stensrud
Ryan Brown and Daryn Skjefte
Brian and Shan Vike
Congratulations to our 2018 Confirmation Class!
(From left to right) Wesley Bartels, Samuel Resiberg, Victoria Reisberg, Pastor Haug, Joseph Mechels, Henrik Olson and Jacob Hovda.
On Sunday November 11, Sunday School children participate in worship for St. Martin’s Day. We will still have Sunday School on this day.
Parents of College Students, We Need Your Help
The Sunday School children will be assembling care packages for our LOTI college age students on Sunday November 18, during Sunday School. The Care Packages will contain hand-made cards from our Sunday School kids, a letter of encouragement from Pastor Haug, healthy snacks and other fun items. The packages will be mailed early in December just before finals.
Parents, if you would like a care package to be sent to your college-age child, please contact [email protected] with his or her mailing address and finals week date no later than Wednesday, November 7.