Weekly choir rehearsals begin Wednesday, August 29th at 7:30.

We love to have new singers.

Join us!




It’s time to register for Sunday School! We are looking forward to starting Sunday School on Rally Sunday, September 9. We ask that all families register their children for Sunday School. Go to the online form: www.loti.org/ lifestyle/children-and-family-ministry/

Paper copies are also available at both entrances to the Sanctuary. Sunday School is offered for children who are age 3 by September 1 through those entering 6th grade. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] or call the church office at 612-377-5095.

Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church has provided a meal for 40 the first Friday of every month for many years. This is a wonderful opportunity for families or a group of friends to work together!

We are in need of volunteers for August 3!  To sign up for August, contact Cheri Moe. Recipes are provided.

Thanks to Regan Gusamn, Lauren Huffman, &
Ben Guengerich
 for serving on July 6.







Susan & Eric Melbye

Linda Nelson, Mary Flynn, & Family

Kristi & Bob Brown

The Moe Family

As part of our outreach program, LOTI is sponsoring a house for  Paint-A-Thon 2018 on Saturday August 11.

For this annual charity event, we will paint a senior citizen’s house and help keep them in their home.

We need volunteers to help prep and paint the house.

The location, to be announced, will most likely be located in the city of Minneapolis.

August 12th is the alternate day in case of inclement weather.

If weekdays are an option for you, volunteer to prep the week prior.

To signup, contact Lars Olson at 612-212-0346 or [email protected]

For more information vist metropaintathon.org


We are looking for musicians who would like to participate in the service during the summer months. If you are interested, please call Kenneth Vigne at 612 356-3501 or Dawn Allan at 612 874- 0208.

It’s time to sign up for summer camp!!!
Attention Grade 1-9 youth! You are invited……
LOTI youth Grades 1-9 are invited to come to Luther Park in Danbury, WI with Pastor Haug the week of July 22. We will provide transportation to/from camp for half week campers (Sun-Wed). Go to Lutherpark.com to complete the registration form (type web address carefully so that you get the Luther Park in Danbury, WI). Please contact Diane LaMere or Pastor Haug before registering for other important details to include on the registration form.
Love Your Neighbor – South Minneapolis Day Camp
Ecumenical day camp for local churches including LOTI.  Each day includes worship, crafts, games, lunch and field trips. This is a great option for kids who aren’t ready for an overnight camp at Luther Park.
When:    June 18-22, 9:00-4:00, M-F
Who:      Kids entering Kindergarten –  8th grade
Where:   Bethel Lutheran Church,
4120 17th Ave South, Minneapolis
Registration info:  $30/camper or $60 per family.
Registration form Due today, June 1
Paper copies of the registration form are also available at both entrances to the Sanctuary.


Summer Opportunities for High School Students
Camp Amnicon is an ELCA high adventure camp that serves high school students with hiking, white water canoeing, flat water canoeing, and Voyageur canoeing trips. They are normally only for established groups, but this summer they are offering two trips that individuals can sign up for.
For over 50 years Camp Amnicon has been safely guiding groups in the wilderness. There are two guides trained in wilderness first aid, lifeguarding and CPR Trained in wilderness skills with each group.  An Amnicon experience is challenging and transforming.

June 24 – 29 Flambeau River Ramble, an introduction to white water canoeing.

August 12 – 17 Voyageur Canoeing on Lake Superior.

This is Camp Amnicon’s signature trip that explores the Apostle Islands, sea caves, light houses, and shipwrecks in a 34-foot canoe.
For more information contact [email protected], phone 715-364-2602, or speak with Cheri Moe.
Hannah & Brad Damon, associate directors







Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church has provided a meal for 40 the first Friday of every month for many years. This is a wonderful opportunity for families or a group of friends to work together!

We are in need of volunteers for August 3!  To sign up for August, contact Cheri Moe. Recipes are provided.

Thanks to Regan Gusamn, Lauren Huffman, &
Ben Guengerich
 for serving July 6!


Members currently assigned for 2018…







Susan & Eric Melbye

Linda Nelson, Mary Flynn, & Family

Kristi & Bob Brown

The Moe Family

Contact Cheri Moe at (952)431-5226 or [email protected].
Recipes are provided.
Thrivent members are eligible to apply for a Thrivent Action Grant to cover the cost of the meal and purchase supplies for Our Saviour’s Shelter continuing needs.









May 6 – Grade 1-6 Sunday School children sing with youth and choir at the end of worship
May 6 – Guardian Angel reveal party after worship
May 20 – Last day of Sunday School

A Great big Thank You!
As the Sunday School program year comes to an end on May 20, we want to say a huge THANK YOU to our Sunday School teachers: Nicolas Amann, Molly Boylan, Heather Jacoby, Justin Kappel, Eric and Naomi Mechels, Susan Melbye, Andrea Nyhusmoen, Maddy Rondestvedt, Andrew and Megan Ulland, and Cory Zurowski.  We are so very grateful for the time and energy you have given our kids at LOTI this year.  Thank you for sharing your love of God with our kids!  We also want to thank the many ways others have helped outside of the classroom -organizing supplies, assisting with the Advent festival, behind the scenes help during the Christmas program, cutting various projects during the year, and keeping the kids worship center organized.  It takes a village – and we’ve got an awesome one!  Thanks be to God!

Guardian Angel Reveal Party – May 6
Calling all Guardian Angel Pen Pals and Sunday School children!  We are having a party after worship on May 6 and you’re invited!  You finally get to meet each other and we’re going to celebrate with some angel food cake.  If you are unable to attend, please contact Diane LaMere as soon as possible.

It’s time to sign up for summer camp!!!
Attention Grade 1-9 youth! You are invited……
LOTI youth Grades 1-9 are invited to come to Luther Park in Danbury, WI with Pastor Haug the week of July 22. We will provide transportation to/from camp for half week campers (Sun-Wed). Go to Lutherpark.com to complete the registration form (type web address carefully so that you get the Luther Park in Danbury, WI). Please contact Diane LaMere or Pastor Haug before registering for other important details to include on the registration form.

Love Your Neighbor – South Minneapolis Day Camp

Ecumenical day camp for local churches including LOTI.  Each day includes worship, crafts, games, lunch and field trips. This is a great option for kids who aren’t ready for an overnight camp at Luther Park.
When:    June 18-22, 9:00-4:00, M-F
Who:      Kids entering Kindergarten –  8th grade
Where:   Bethel Lutheran Church,
4120 17th Ave South, Minneapolis
Registration info:  $30/camper or $60 per family.
Registration form Due by June 1
Paper copies of the registration form are also available at both entrances to the Sanctuary.

Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church has provided a meal for 40 the first Friday of every month for many years. This is a wonderful opportunity for families or a group of friends to work together!

Thanks to the  Julie and Scott Gallop for serving April 6!

Members currently assigned for 2018…
May                Confirmation Class
June               Linda Nelson, Anita Duder, 
Ellie Holmquist, Eivor Lund, 
Lorri Cullen and Mary Flynn
December      The Moe Family

Check your calendars and select a remaining date…

July 6
August 3
September 7
October 5
November  2
Reserve by contacting Cheri Moe at (952)431-5226 or [email protected].
Recipes are provided. Thrivent members are eligible to apply for a Thrivent Action Grant to cover the cost of the meal and purchase supplies for Our Saviour’s Shelter continuing needs.

