The prayer ministry group would welcome anyone who would like to join them on Tuesday mornings in the Christy Room at 9:15-10:00 a.m.  Please contact Janna Haug, Deb Gilroy or Linda Nelson for more information if you are interested.

college care packages image2

Thank you for your generous support of the college care packages. Thanks to you…the packages are filled with lots of healthy snacks, (and some candy too!), tools for studying and staying healthy plus a few things that are “just for fun”. The cards the kids made on Sunday will absolutely make them smile 🙂 The packages will arrive just in time for final exams.


snow hearts mittens
Thank you for your amazing response to the winter coat/gear drive! PPL came to pick up the 181 donations just before Thanksgiving – wow! Their van was FULL of winter coats, hats, gloves, snow pants, snow boots, scarves, sweaters, fleece tops, blankets, socks and long underwear. Thank you for helping take care of others in our community in need of help!

flower-basket-bamboo.jpgThank you to Lee and Marlene Wilson for providing the beautiful Christmas pots placed on either side of the 21st Street entrance. We appreciate adornment of the entrance to the church for the season.

BooksWomen of LOTI, do you love to read? Are you interested in exploring your faith in fiction and non-fiction writings sure to stir the soul? If your answer is a resounding YES, consider joining LOTI’s new book club!

Please contact Debra Gilroy or Linda Nelson if you are interested. We will then schedule a brief informational session to set a meeting date and book selection. Our goal is to meet every one to two months. First meeting will be in January 2018

16c41d6f-3a2f-4f9c-b9e3-1c9d91dc8769Join us on Wednesday morning for Bible Study at 10:00. The informal study will explore the Book of Ecclesiastes. And yes, coffee and treats are a part of every Wednesday morning.
Shelter meals for 2017 are scheduled for the rest of the year but we now need to start scheduling for 2018.  Please consider serving a meal in the new year sometime. If you are a Thrivent member, you can apply for one of their Action Team gift cards to help offset the cost of the meal. Please contact Cheri Moe if you have any questions at 952 431-5226 or [email protected].
Thank you to Anna-Lena and Magnus Skold, Alexander and friend.
c7279694-0e06-4921-ac03-118b3b0f33ba copyThe prayer ministry group would welcome anyone who would like to join them on Tuesday mornings in the Christy Room at 9:15-10:00 a.m.  Please contact Janna Haug, Deb Gilroy or Linda Nelson for more information if you are interested.

poinsettiasPurchase a poinsettia for display around the altar and  take home with you after Christmas services. Order forms are in Sunday Bulletins. Deadline to order is November 14. Choose red or white: single stem for $10, double stem for $16. Submit payment by check to LOTI office. Or order via email…Linda Nelson

  • November 5 – Daylight Savings Time ends – move your clocks back 1 hour and enjoy the extra hour of sleep. See you in Sunday School all rested up  🙂
  • November 12 – Sunday School children participate in worship for St Martin’s Day
  • November 12 – Winter clothes drive ends. Accepting new or gently used winter coats, hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves (Kid and adult sizes) Donations will go to PPL (Project for Pride in Living).
  • November 19 – Sunday School children assemble College Care Packages during Sunday School.