We have volunteers for all of our 2017 meals at Our Saviour’s Housing.  Thanks to everyone who has already served.

Please consider preparing and serving a meal in 2018.

Thrivent Financial members may apply for  Action Team gift cards to offset the cost.  Please contact Cheri Moe at 952 431-5226 or [email protected] for more information.

Thanks to Ellie Holmquist, Anita Duder, Lorri Cullen and Linda Nelson for serving in August.

Confirmation education for 7th and  8th graders, as well as 9th graders preparing for the Rite of Confirmation on Sunday, October 29th will begin again on Wednesday, September 6th from 7-8 pm in the Christy Room. New confirmands can register with Pastor Haug.

 Click here to sign up for Acolyte

The choir has begun its weekly Wednesday evening rehearsals 03f8a4be-b9b2-451d-9f89-5b3e304bd099at 7:30 in Fellowship Hall. In addition to preparing anthems for Sunday morning, the choir is rehearsing Johann Sebastian Bach’s BWV 79, “God the Lord is My Sun and Shield.”  The work will be performed on Reformation Sunday, October 29th  as a part of our congregation 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
New singers are always welcome!
d3a97738-e833-4218-9fd5-f6b739e203d3Women’s Bible Study will begin this month. Please consider joining us for our next study. We will read “Fierce: Women of the Bible and their stories of violence, mercy, bravery, wisdom, sex, and salvation” by Alice Connor. These women’s stories are messy, challenging, and beautiful. When we read their stories, we can see not only their particular, fearsome lives but also our own. You can purchase your book through Amazon as a paperback or eBook.
Tentative start date is Thursday, September 21st, 7pm.
Please contact Debra Gilroy or Linda Nelson to join.
BooksWomen of LOTI, do you love to read? Are you interested in exploring your faith in fiction and non-fiction writings sure to stir the soul? If your answer is a resounding “YES”, please consider joining LOTI’s new book club!
Please contact Debra Gilroy or Linda Nelson if you are interested. We will then schedule a brief informational session to set a meeting date and book selection. Our goal is to meet every one to two months.

Children’s Ministry Sept 2017

284d8e08-b3bb-4aca-8e57-0263fa779170-1Sunday School Registration open now!
It’s time to register for Sunday School! We are looking forward to starting Sunday School on Rally Sunday, September 10. Sunday School is offered for children who are age 3 by September 1 through those entering 6th grade. We ask all families to register their children for Sunday School.  Paper copies are also available at both entrances to the Sanctuary.
Contact Diane LaMere at [email protected] or call the church office at 612-377-5095.

Key September Sunday School dates:

September 10:  1st day of Sunday School
September 17:  Bible Presentation in worship (3 year olds, 3rd graders and new families)

New Conversation and Cuisine Groups are Forming

Conversation and Cuisine is a casual evening of getting better acquainted while enjoying a meal in our homes (or choice of a restaurant). Groups made up of 6-8 members and friends of Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church gather for three meals during the course of the year. If you would like to participate in the 2017-2018 groups, please let Janna Haug know by September 30th. You can talk to her during church coffee or email her at [email protected]

16c41d6f-3a2f-4f9c-b9e3-1c9d91dc8769Join us for Wednesday morning Bible Study at 10:00. The informal study will explore the Old Testament characters found in the Hall of Faith, as well as readings from the Book of Psalms. And yes, coffee and treats are a part of every Wednesday morning.

Wedding coordinator position available for wedding ceremonies at LOTI as needed. Wedding or event planning experiences preferred. Please contact Kerri Clawson, Lead Wedding Coordinator to learn more about this position.  Call Kerri at 612-701-5573 or e-mail her at [email protected].

Children are invited to use the worship materials throughout the service. Materials are located in the narthex and are organized by age group.