June 4 – Anita Duder and Linda Nelson
June 11 – Carol Kuehn and Rebecca Morell
June 18 – Bruce Sabatke and David Ackerman
June 25 – Debra Gilroy and Ross Bartels
All youth Grades 1-12 are invited to come to Luther Park the week of July 23. We will provide transportation to/from camp for Snooper week campers (Sun-Wed). Pastor Haug will be staying at camp that week and Diane LaMere will come visit campers this week as well. Contact Diane or Pastor Haug before registering for other important details to include on the registration form. Go to  www.lutherpark.com to register.  Paper copies are also available at church.

A Great Big Thank You for your support of our

Sunday School service day!

On the last day of Sunday School, our kids packed over 100 kits for Camp Noah and CES.  We were able to meet our goal of raising $400 to cover the supply costs for these two projects, thanks to you!  Three dozen brand new art kits were delivered to Camp Noah last week.  The camp was busy packing up to go to Waseca, Wilmar, Winona and St Cloud when we dropped them off.  We also delivered over 70 healthy snack packs to CES for families in need.

Thank you for supporting our kids doing important work helping other kids in need – we couldn’t have done this without you!!

On Sunday, May 21st, we received five new members into our congregation.

Welcome to Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church

We appreciate your generous offering to help us purchase the supplies needed for the Sunday School Service Day. Please return the offering containers no later than May 14, so we have time to purchase supplies needed. If you weren’t able to get an offering container, please note  “Sunday School Service Day” on your envelope/check.  It is our hope to raise $400 to have enough funding to provide 100 packages to these two organizations.  We will be collecting the offerings after worship at both doors of the sanctuary this Sunday.

Our kids will assemble Art Kits for kids attending Camp Noah, a day camp for kids who need time to process, play and heal after having experienced a disaster. We are also creating kid snack packs for families in need who use CES as a resource for services.  Thank you for supporting our kids doing important work!
Proceeds go towards summer camp scholarships
The prayer ministry group welcomes all who would like to join them on Friday mornings in the Christy Room at 9:15-10:00 a.m.  Please contact Janna Haug, Deb Gilroy or Linda Nelson for more information.

Dinah Keefe, who taught a Zumba class here 18 months ago, will be teaching a class during the month of May. Classes begin on May 9 at 10am in the Fellowship Hall. The session runs through May 30. Please come! $5 donation is requested, which will be donated to LOTI. Coffee and social time following class!

b5672f20-c930-4bdc-975f-3da3d2f144c8 copyPriscilla Circle meeting will be at the home of Eivor Lund. Phone 763-550-1638 or email [email protected] for information or directions.

Our congregation provides the meal the first Friday of every month Reserve a month in 2017 to provide a meal for Our Saviour’s Housing. . If you are a Thrivent member, you can get a grant from them to help you cover costs. After applying for the grant, it takes about 3+ weeks to get the funds so please plan ahead. Any questions on applying for the grant or to sign up contact Cheri Moe (952-431-5226 or [email protected]).

Thank you to Cathy Carlson and Peter van Bergen for serving the April 7th meal.

The dates available for 2017 are July 7, August 4,  and November 3.

During the summer months, the church office will be closed on Fridays starting Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend.  Both Pastor Haug and Linda can be reached if there is an emergency.
