All youth Grade 1-12 are invited to come to Luther Park the week of July 23. We will provide transportation to/from camp for Snooper week campers (Sun-Wed). Pastor Haug and Diane LaMere will come visit campers this week as well. Contact Diane or Pastor Haug before registering for other important details to include on the registration form. Go to to register. Paper copies are also available at church.
This is a great option for our kids who aren’t ready for an overnight camp at Luther Park. Day Camp is for kids entering Kindergarten through 8th grade. Day Camp will be hosted this year at Bethel Lutheran Church, 4120 17th Ave S., Minneapolis. Registration forms are at both entrances to the Sanctuary and also on our website (Children’s Ministry/Summer Programs tab). Registration deadline is June 1.
Great Big Thank You!
As the Sunday School program year comes to an end on May 21, we want to say a huge THANK YOU to our Sunday School teachers: Nicolas Amann, Leanna Koepp, Susan Melbye, Maddy Rondestvedt, Eric and Renate Amann, Heather Jacoby, and Justin and Stephanie Kappel. We are so very grateful for the time and energy you have given our kids at LOTI this year. Thank you for sharing your love of God with our kids!
We are getting ready for our 2nd annual service day in Sunday School! We have studied many stories where Jesus taught us to love one another and take care of each other, especially those less fortunate than us. Now it is time to put this learning into action!
On Sunday, May 21, our kids will assemble art kits for kids attending Camp Noah, a day camp for kids who need time to process, play and heal after having experienced a disaster, and we are also making after school snack packs for families in need who use CES as a resource for services. Our goal is to make 100 + packets for both organizations.
Immediately after the service, you are invited to a Norwegian Dessert Table for our coffee hour. If you have a special Norwegian dessert you would like to provide, please call the church office.
While walking the pilgrim trail of El Camino de Santiago in Spain, David Cook marveled at the 500 miles of sunflowers. They faced the sun and they were like humans. Their almost human faces inspired him to create his own unique are from – “flower bombing,” They came to life in his head, as he stayed up all night for four days in a row, painting flowers manically. That is the genesis of his work that will be installed for our Mother’s Day worship service at Lake of the Isles. Join us and experience the color of Minnesota artist David Cook, the Flower Bomber.
April 9 – Children’s Palm Processional, Pancake breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt.
Kids will be a part of the palm processional at the beginning of worship before going to Sunday School.
All kids attending summer camp at Luther Park are invited to serve pancakes at the pancake breakfast after worship. Proceeds from the pancake breakfast will go towards camp scholarships.
The Easter egg hunt will be held at the parsonage around 11:00 am (after the kids have had a chance to eat some pancakes first!)
April 13 – Seder meal for 1st Communion children and parents beginning at 6:30 p.m.
April 16 – No Sunday School. Easter Sunday. Families will worship together on this day.
April 23 – Sunday School resumes.
South Minneapolis Day Camp – June 19-23. Geared towards PreK and younger elementary kids who might not be ready for an overnight camp. Additional details will be provided as they become available.
New members will be received into the congregation during the worship service on Sunday, April 30. If you have decided to make Lake of the Isles your home church, please contact Linda in the church office at [email protected] or call 612 377-5095. We have an information form for you to fill out and we can assist you with transferring membership from another church if you currently belong somewhere else. Please also call the church office if you have any questions about membership.
Sunday School children (3 yr olds through grade 4) will sing in worship February 5th for Candlemas. We look forward to our annual visit from Tom Klein on March 19. Tom will give a demonstration of his uilleann bagpipe to the Sunday School children during Sunday School!
1st Communion Preparation
The first of two 1st Communion preparation classes with Pastor Haug will be held onSunday, March 26 after worship in the library. This class is for both parent and child for 2nd graders and new families. The second class will be held on Thursday, April 13.
Summer Camps
Time to start thinking about summer camps! On March 12th, we welcome back Joel Legred, Executive Director of Luther Park in Danbury, WI who will share with us the exciting plans for this summer. VBS and Luther Park Bible camp information will be coming soon to families. Watch for the email that will have all of the details.
The prayer ministry group welcomes all who would like to join them on Friday mornings in the Christy Room at 9:15am. Contact Janna Haug or Linda Nelson for more information.
2020 W Lake of the Isles Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55405
(612) 377-5095