Please join Dawn Allan and the LOTI choir on Wednesday evenings for rehearsal at 7:30 p.m.  Newcomers are welcome. The choir rehearses in Fellowship Hall.

We are delighted to introduce you to our new Nursery Attendant – Sheridan Swee!   Sheridan is currently a student at the University of MN and was a beloved Sunday School teacher here at LOTI during her high school years.  She loves working with children and is excited to connect with our little ones and their families at LOTI.   Nursery is provided every week in the Christy Room during worship.  Sheridan will be there to welcome you and care for your little ones during worship.

Priscilla Circle will meet on Saturday, September 3rd at 9:30 a.m. at Bev Bergford’s home.  Join us for a time of casual fellowship and camaraderie.  Please call Bev at 612 377-1319 directions.

Conversation and Cuisine is a casual evening of getting better acquainted while enjoying a meal in our homes (or choice of a restaurant).  Groups of 5-7 members and friends of Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church gather for three meals during the course of the year.   Four groups were formed this past year and from all reports, it sounds like they really enjoyed their time together.  New groups will be formed so that everyone will have a chance to get to know some more Lake of the Isles members.  If you would like to participate in the 2016-2017 groups, please let Janna Haug know by September 30th at the latest. Connect with her during church coffee or contact her by email ([email protected])

LOTI congregation provides a meal the first Friday of every month. If you would like more information or to sign up for a month in 2017, contact Cheri Moe (952-431-5226 or [email protected]).  Thrivent members are eligible for a grant to help cover costs.
Thank you to Debra Gilroy, Janna Haug, Denise Wilkens, Reagan Riddle, Kathy Hering, Margaret Coleman and Linda Nelson for serving the meal on August 5th.
A big thank you to Lars Olson for organizing LOTI’s participation in the Twin Cities Paint-a-Thon on August 13th.  Thanks also to those who turned out to help:  Lars and Chanda Olson, Bruce and Stephanie Brandt, Steve Hoyt, Larry Moe, Pauline Haug, Gary and Peggy Wagner, Bradley Anderson, Deb Gilroy and Marty Carlson.  Below are pictures of everyone working and of the finished house.
Pastor Haug


Marty Carlson


Pauline Haug and Brad Anderson


Friends of the Olsons


Steve Hoyt and Deb Gilroy


Steve Hoyt


Finished House


Anna-Lena’s first smorgasbord of the 2016-2017 season will be held on October 16th.  More information to follow.

Sunday School Registration Open Now 
If you haven’t done so already…it’s time to register for Sunday School! We are looking forward to starting Sunday School on Rally Sunday, September 11. Sunday School is offered for children who are age 3 by September 1 through those entering 6th grade. We ask all families to register their children for Sunday School. You can click here to get to the online form. Paper copies are also available at both entrances to the Sanctuary. If you have any questions, contact Diane LaMere at [email protected] or call the church office at 612-377-5095.
Sunday School Teachers Needed
We are still in need of Sunday School teachers! If you love looking with children, please consider being a Sunday School teacher. High school youth and adults (of all ages!) are invited to be a part of a teaching team for a Sunday School class.  Training is provided (Wednesday, Sept. 7 at 7pm) and detailed lesson plans are given in advance each week. Teachers do not teach every week – instead they create a teaching schedule with their teaching team that fits everyone’s schedule. Substitute teachers are available when there is a conflict on a given Sunday for the teaching team. Volunteer forms are available at both entrances of the Sanctuary. Please contact Diane LaMere at [email protected] or call the church office at 612-377-5095 to sign up to teach or to be a substitute teacher.
Key September Sunday School Dates
September 7:  Sunday School teacher and substitute teacher training (7-8 pm)
September 11: 1st day of Sunday School
September 18: Bible Presentation in worship (3 year olds, 3rd graders and new families)
Sunday School Service Day – May 1
Sunday School children will make sandwiches for the homeless during Sunday School.  After worship, the congregation is invited to join Sunday School families assembling birthday gift bags after the balloon release outside. This service project supports the Cheerful Givers organization which is a nonprofit organization committed to helping low/no income parents recognize and celebrate their children.  The birthday gift bags will go to shelters and food shelves to economically challenged parents so that they can give their child a birthday gift.
How can you help?


If you brought home an M&M container, please bring it back to church filled with money.   If you haven’t had the chance to bring home a container, we don’t want you to miss out – just simply bring your offering of money and designate it for the Sunday School service day.  Offerings will be used to purchase supplies for both service projects.
Birthday Gifts
Go shopping and select birthday gift items to put in the gift bags.  Bring the unwrapped gifts to church this Sunday, May 1.  Collection boxes are in Fellowship Hall, sorted by age group (0-2 yr olds, preschool, elementary, tweens/teens).  Please remove all price tags and any extra tags to have the donations “gift ready” (but do not wrap the gift – they are going in gift bags)
It will be a busy morning and extra helping and guiding hands are needed.   Please click on the signup genius link form to find out how you can support this event:
Thank you so very much for supporting our Sunday School kids at LOTI and for your generous donations for this special day!
We are looking for musicians who would like to participate in the service during the summer months.  If you are interested, please call Kenneth Vigne at 612 356-3501 or Dawn Allan at 612 874-0208.