We welcomed the following new members to the LOTI congregation on April 24th:
Casey Christy & Andrea Reno |
Thomas, Cody & Jameson Rustad |
Nancy McCutcheon |
Sarah Rustad |
Ryne & Jennifer Nelson |
Jeffrey & Maggi Seybold |
Jon Zachman |
We are pleased they have decided to make LOTI their church home and we hope you will introduce yourselves and help get them acquainted.
“Clap your hands, all you people; shout to God with a cry of joy. God has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of the ram’s horn.” Psalm 47: 1 & 5
Reserve a month in 2016 to provide a meal for Our Saviour’s Housing. Our congregation provides the meal the first Friday of every month. If you are a Thrivent member, you can get a grant from them to help cover costs.
Available dates are: July 1, August 5, September 2, and October 7. We are in special need of help for July because Cheri will be unavailable.
Thank you to the Melbye family and Pat Nortwen for serving the meal on March 4th.
Jill Gruys has organized a morning at Feed My Starving Children in Chanhassen on Saturday, May 21 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. If you are interested in participating, please e-mail Jill at [email protected] so we can have a really good turnout from LOTI.
Luther Park Bible Camp – Danbury, WI
We are called to follow Jesus and live like him – which is not always easy! We need to be active disciples, watching Jesus, listening, learning, and of course, doing. Jesus tells us we are to take up our cross and be followers of him through love and service. Campers will learn to trust in God’s promise as we feed, forgive, love, serve and pray…..the Jesus way!
Daily themes are:
Monday- Feeding
Tuesday – Forgiving
Wednesday – Loving thy Neighbor
Thursday – Serving humbly
Friday – Prayer.
See you this summer!!
Peace ~ Salaam ~ Shalom
June 27-July 1
We’ll be learning about our call to be peacemakers in a world of many faiths through music, story, art, play, field trips, and more!
- A progressive ecumenical summer day camp experience in South Minneapolis offering faith formation in a fun, safe, Christ-centered and relational setting. Includes worship, crafts, games, lunch and field trips.
- June 27-July 1, 9am-4pm, M-F
- Bethel Lutheran Church, 4120 17th Ave. S, Minneapolis 55407
- 4 year-olds to 8th graders…and volunteers
Volunteers needed for South Minneapolis Day Camp (June 27-July 1)
Help with logistics, lead an activity, share a special skill or talent, or just provide a supportive presence. Sign up for a few hours or every day. Training will be provided. Please contact
Martha (612-871-2967 option 4) with questions and suggestions about how you can be involved.
We’re praying a lot in Sunday School! Our 1st and 2nd Graders spent three weeks focusing on the Lord’s Prayer last month. All ages learned about praying in color during Lent. Our 6th graders will dig deeper into the Apostles Creed in April.
Congratulations to our 2nd graders, Nick and Phinn, who celebrated their First Communion on Palm Sunday!
We’re excited for a visit from Joel Legred on April 10 to tell us more about summer plans at Luther Park in Danbury, WI. (See article about summer camp information)
Sunday School highlights for April:
April 3 – Sunday School resumes
April 10 – Camp Sunday
May 1 – Sunday School Service Project Day and Ascension Sunday
We will be preparing sandwiches for the 363 Days organization during Sunday School. After worship, the entire congregation will assemble birthday gift bags for the Cheerful Givers organization. Birthday gift bags will go to a local food shelf. We will also release balloons for Ascension day after worship. More details will be coming as we get closer to this Sunday!
Be sure to “spring” ahead 1 hour on Sunday, March 13th.
Reserve a month in 2016 to provide a meal for Our Saviour’s Housing. Our congregation provides the meal the first Friday of every month. If you are a Thrivent member, you can get a grant from them to help you cover costs. Any questions or sign up with Cheri Moe (952-431-5226 or
[email protected]).
Dates still available are: July 1, August 5, September 2, and October 7.
Thank you to Pastor Haug, Janna Haug, Pauline Haug and Lois Nordling for serving the Shelter Meal on January 1st and Deb and Jim Gilroy, Reagan Riddle and Brad Anderson for serving the meal on February 5th.
We’re having lots of conversations about prayer in Sunday School during this season of Lent. This past month the children learned how to pray in color and Lenten Devotions were made available to families which reinforced this new way of praying. Our 1st and 2nd graders are spending the remaining weeks before Holy Week learning The Lord’s Prayer.
Lots to look forward to in March!
March 13: Return visit from Tom Klein
2nd grade 1st Communion class after worship
March 20: Palm Sunday – No Sunday School
Egg hunt at parsonage after worship/pancake breakfast
March 27: Easter Sunday – No Sunday School