The choir has been rehearsing and is looking for new members to sing major new works for Sunday worship including a Buxtehude cantata for the blessing of the new church bell.

Choir rehearsal is Wednesday nights at 7:30 in Fellowship Hall.


Conversation and Cuisine is a casual evening of getting better acquainted while enjoying a meal in our homes (or choice of a restaurant). Groups of 5-7 members and friends of Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church gather for three meals during the course of the year.   Four groups were formed this past year and from all reports, it sounds like they really enjoyed their time together. New groups will be formed so that everyone will have a chance to get to know some more Lake of the Isles members. If you would like to participate in the 2015-2016 groups, please let Janna Haug know by October 4th at the latest. You can talk to her during church coffee or contact her by phone (651-497-0099) or email ([email protected]).

There was a great turnout on a beautiful September day for the pie and ice cream social.  As you can see from the pictures below, everyone had great choices of pie and some very tasty homemade ice cream provided by Wendy Westerberg and Margaret Coleman.  The Madson Family and Friends provided music during the worship service.



 Sunday School starts on Sunday, September 13.  Please register now to help with planning.  The registration form is on the website (and paper forms are available at church).

We still need teachers — confirmed high school youth and adults who love working with children are invited to sign up to volunteer.  Sign-up forms are on the website and paper forms are at the church.  Teacher training is on September 9th.  More information to follow.

Confirmation education for 7th and 8th graders will begin again on Wednesday evenings in the fall. The majority of the churches in the Twin Cities hold their youth programs on Wednesday evenings and try to avoid school programming conflicts. Please contact the church about registering for confirmation this fall. The first class will be held on Wednesday, September 16th from 7:00- 8:00 pm in the Christy Room.
The choir has begun rehearsal and is looking for new members to sing major new works for Sunday worship including a Buxtehude cantata for the blessing of the new church bell.

Choir rehearsal is Wednesday nights at 7:30 in Fellowship Hall.

Conversation and Cuisine is a casual evening of getting better acquainted while enjoying a meal in our homes (or choice of a restaurant). Groups of 5-7 members and friends of Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church gather for three meals during the course of the year.   Four groups were formed this past year and from all reports, it sounds like they really enjoyed their time together. New groups will be formed so that everyone will have a chance to get to know some more Lake of the Isles members. If you would like to participate in the 2015-2016 groups, please let Janna Haug know by September 30th at the latest. You can talk to her during church coffee or contact her by phone (651-497-0099) or email ([email protected]).

The molten bronze for the new church bell was poured in late August at the Paccard Foundry in Annecy, France. The bell mold is shown in the picture. Although the pouring takes only a minute, the bell cools slowly for 2 to3 days before the mold is removed and the bell is polished. The bell will then make its journey across the Atlantic to the Christoph Paccard Bell Foundry home city in Charleston, South Carolina. From there it will be transferred to Minnesota.
The blessing of the bell ceremony will be held on Sunday, October 25th.
Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church: Latest Bell News – Christoph Paccard Bell Foundry

Lars Olson coordinated and organized LOTI volunteers for the 2015 Paint-a-Thon this year.  LOTI volunteers helped paint Goldie Peterson’s house in the Longfellow neighborhood and cleaned up her yard and gardens.  The following people participated:  Chanda and Henrik Olson, Steve Hoyt, Larry and Cheri Moe, Jennifer Cook, Lauren, Taylor and Maddy Rondestevdt, Jim Gilroy, Arden and Janna Haug, Pauline Haug, Ross and Wesley Bartels, Brad Anderson and Linda Nelson.

Thank you, Lars, and all the volunteers who participated in this event.

Taylor, Maddie and Lauren Rondestevdt
Goldie (home owner) and Chanda Olson








Jim Gilroy and Lars Olson
Henrik Olson and Wesley Bartels







Pauline Haug
Lars Olson, Jim Gilroy  and Brad Anderson.







Janna and Arden
Ross Bartels

The Women’s Bible Study group concluded its last session of Beth Moore’s study of James earlier this summer.  Plans are to start up again in September with another study for women lasting approximately 8-10 weeks.  Please let the church office know if you are interested in participating.  The meeting date and time will depend on the schedules of the women who enroll for the fall study.
