Our Saviour’s Housing Meals 2024-25
Our Saviour’s Housing Meals 2024-25
Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church provides a meal on the second Saturday of each month. Our monthly meals are provided by donation. The shelter orders & serves the meal. Thank you to Mary Flynn, Twyla Hobbs, Mary Jubenville, Linda Nelson & Denise Wilkens for December.
2024-25 Schedule
JAN 11 | David & Mary Goplen |
FEB 8 | Mark & Kathy Hering |
MAR 8 | Liz & Mike Brown |
APR 12 | Stephen & Leslie Hite |
MAY 10 | Jim Olson, in memory of ChanSoon Olson |
JUN 14 | Rick Gripentrog |
JUL 12 | Philip Friedlund & Lisa Isenberg |
AUG 9 | Anonymous Giver |
SEP 13 | Gronseth & Quam families |
OCT 11 | Beryl & Don Waldelandn |
NOV 8 | Mary Sabatke, in memory of Bruce Sabatke |
DEC 13 | Bruce & Jean Carlson |