Our Saviour’s Housing Meals

For many years, Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church has provided a meal on the first Friday of each month. Due to COVID-19, our monthly meals are by donation.
The shelter orders & serves the meal. Cost per meal is $250.
Thanks everyone who contributes!
Our 2023 schedule:
JAN 6 | Lizbeth & Mark Brown |
FEB 3 | Mary & David Goplen |
MAR 3 | Ellie Holmquist, Heather Jacoby, Ruth Lee, & Gretchen Robertson |
APR 7 | Rick Gripentrog |
MAY 5 | Chanda & Lars Olson |
JUN 2 | Jim Olson |
JUL 7 | Dr. Remi & Debby Pizarro |
AUG 4 | Denise Wilkens, Mary Jubenville, Mary Flynn, Twyla Hobbs & Linda Nelson |
SEP 1 | Kathy & Mark Hering |
OCT 6 | Jean & Bruce Carlson |
NOV 3 | Mary Sabatke |
DEC 1 |
For information, contact Cheri Moe, or (952) 431-5226.