Dear friends in Christ, grace and peace to you from God our father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Russian-American comedian Yakov Smirnoff began his career as a stand-up comedian in the Soviet Union. In 1977 he immigrated to the United States in order to pursue an American show business career- even though he still hadn’t learned English. Smirnoff played a number of roles on television. His comic persona was that often that of a naive immigrant who was perpetually confused and delighted by life in the United States, with the catchphrase, “And I thought, ‘What a country!’” In an early monologue, Smirnoff described in disbelief all the instant products available in American grocery stores as compared to the Soviet Union. “On my first shopping trip, I saw powdered milk–you just add water, and you get milk. Then I saw powdered orange juice–you just add water, and you get orange juice. And then I saw baby powder, and I thought to myself, what a country!”
Somewhere in the course of the past 2000 years, Jesus’ latter-day followers have been convinced that the Christian faith is ‘easy’. Just add water and voila – instant Christianity”. All you have to do is go to Church once in a while, or walk by it, say a few prayers, read your Bible from time to time, and then, you are good to go. “Ah, what a country.” You can even go on living with your own goals and ambitions and avoid trouble. But is that what Jesus intended of you and your life?
Our gospel lesson this morning speaks clearly of Jesus’ own courage and determination in the face of danger. The Pharisees who were sympathetic to Jesus warned him that King Herod wanted to kill him. We don’t know the reason why they said this. True, Herod had already killed Jesus’ kin John the Baptist, and there were rumors that Jesus was John the Baptist back from the dead. Perhaps that was the reason. Jesus was still a far distance off from Jerusalem, yet he responded to the Pharisees’ warning boldly. “Go and tell that fox from me, ‘Listen, I am casting out demons today and tomorrow, and on the third day I finish my work.’” I have a purpose, and I am not going to be distracted from any threat and enemies. Jesus knew why he came into the world and what he needed to do. There was no way he would abandon his work and go into hiding. He had set his face toward Jerusalem and nothing would deter him.
My friends, in this morning’s gospel lesson, Jesus is challenging us to reflect and imitate his own example by living our lives with a similar courage and resolve. But it will not be easy, and it will not be instantaneous. As Martin Luther once said, “A religion that gives nothing, costs nothing, and suffers nothing, is worth nothing.” The world today needs men and women who are willing to live courageously, and Jesus is calling you and me to follow. So where do we start?
Let me begin, by saying that it is vitally important for us to have a personal faith in God, and to rest beneath Christ’s sheltering wings. Knowing Jesus personally is very different than simply knowing about Jesus. When you know him personally and know how and when he speaks to you, you grow to understand his plan for your life. When you know Jesus personally, you can also you can see patterns of his ways in your life. Life is so much more positive and meaningful when you know God’s will and are doing it. It’s not just adding water- and voila. It calls for your time and energy, and that may mean taking a chance and being seen. It is certainly not about playing it safe.
I am reminded of the man who went to church one Sunday, where he was greeted by the preacher who was standing at the door. The pastor grabbed the man’s hand and pulled him aside, whispering into his ear, “You need to join the Army of the Lord!” The man somewhat startled, quickly replied, “But pastor, I’m already in the Army of the Lord.” The Pastor questioned, “How come I don’t see you except at Christmas and Easter?” The man answered quietly, “Because I’m in the secret service.”
Jesus doesn’t need an army of lone, secret followers. He longs for his followers to come to him openly, to be comforted by the Church publicly, and to receive the encouraging word and strength of the Holy Word and the Lord’s Table freely. Our faith in Jesus is deepened only when we are a part of the body of Christ. That is the truth that lies behind the classic doctrine that there is no salvation outside of the Church. It is not that the Church controls the keys to the kingdom, but rather it is the only way we truly become alive spiritually. Anything else is merely self-delusion- add water and instant Christianity.
Mind you, Jesus also taught his followers that we should be risk takers. His disciples were to be wise as serpents and as peaceful as doves. There was a justified sense of fear and urgency as those well-meaning Pharisees came to warn Jesus. The sympathetic Pharisees encouraged him to find a little hole and hide away there for a while. But the idea of hiding from King Herod infuriated Jesus. He wasn’t intent on making enemies, but I would dare to say that Jesus knew that all his followers would have at least one enemy. For no one can live the truth in this world without offending someone –even a good and well intentioned pastor.
Jesus’ words remind us that all his followers need to rediscover their true inner courage and their ultimate source of strength and comfort. In every age, this world needs a strong voice of hope and promise. But it’s not going to be easy, and it may be costly.
The world has known Christ’s courageous warriors throughout its history. The early church was built on the spilt blood of the martyrs. This morning, we honor St. Patrick, the Apostle to the Irish, a man who brought the hope and love of the Christian faith to the very people who had enslaved him. He could have chosen to lay low for the rest of his life, but he chose instead 151to be courageous and determined with his faith for the sake of others. His work and commitment changed Ireland and the face of Western Europe.
My friends, we must be as clever as the fox, but we must also be aware of the cost of discipleship. So let us strive to be people of good courage, resting beneath the outstretched arms of Christ. And in so doing, let us confront wrong wherever we find it, always determined to live as the children of God’s kingdom now and in the age to come. Amen.
May the peace of God which passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.
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