
Our sanctuary has central air conditioning. The Christy Room (room in which the bridal party dresses) has a window unit. Please set it to medium or lower, to avoid power outage. 

An aisle runner is an optional item, obtained from florist or bridal shop. 100-foot is the required size.

Wedding service bulletins help guests follow the service. They are often kept as mementos and sent to friends and relatives who are not in attendance. The Wedding Manager and the church office have examples from past weddings. Couples provide a basket for bulletins, if desired. 

The church uses four candles, one on each side of the altar, and two on the altar. For weddings two seven-candle brass candelabras, are also available. 

Our church maximum capacity is 200. We have thirteen pews on each side of the aisle. The first pews are reserved for family of the bride and groom.

The seasons of the church year determine the color of the altar, pulpit, and lectern paraments. Please inquire as to the color the paraments on your wedding day. 

We provide the following decorating elements:

  • Unity candle marble base
  • Two seven-candle brass candelabras 
  • Two brass stands for floral arrangements

Protective clothes and drip trays are available for flowers or plants placed on the altar. (Required to protect the altar clothes.) Consult your Wedding Coordinator.

  • Use plastic clips, ribbons or rubber bands to attach decorations to the pews. 
  • Aisle candelabras inhibit movement, especially if more than two individuals from the wedding party will walk in together.
  • The Pastor must authorize any rearrangement of chancel furniture.
  • We do not allow the use of adhesives on any surfaces, including heavy tape or duct tape.
  • We do not allow any material that could mar, scratch or otherwise damage church furnishings, including wire that lacks protective covering. 
  • We do not allow dropping flower petals inside the church.

It is the responsibility of the couple and/or their florist to remove all decoration from the church immediately after the ceremony. If items are left behind and removed by staff, the couple will be charged $50.00 per hour or any portion thereof and billed accordingly.  See Photography & Videography

If you will have a limousine and/or special car for the wedding party and need to reserve parking in front of the church, please provide small signs.

We recommend providing a map or a map link with your wedding invitation, as well as a reminder to your guests that the church has only on-street parking.

We play and perform live music for wedding ceremonies. For specific requests or questions regarding music selections, please contact the Music Director or Wedding Manager.

You may bring light snacks and refreshments on the day of the ceremony. You may keep them in the Fellowship Hall, the Christy Room, or the Library. 
We prefer that alcoholic beverages only be served after the wedding.  
We do not allow food or beverages in the Sanctuary.
We do no allow smoking in the church.

We recommend that you appoint two ushers for every 50 guests you expect at your wedding service. Your ushers should be available to seat guests 30 minutes prior to the service. Ushers may serve as acolytes and perform other tasks such as placing the aisle runner and dismissing your guests.

We advise a maximum of seven attendants per side. We recommend a personal attendant to assist with last minute needs before, during & after the ceremony.
