Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church will partner with The Isles Ensemble and Music for Food to present a benefit concert for CES -Community Emergency Services.
Founded in 1971 by Pastor William Berg, CES originally functioned as an outreach of Augustana Lutheran Church to offer critical aid to Minneapolis residents. Decades later, it stands as a fully independent, expanded nonprofit with the largest Meals on Wheels program in the state. It is also serves the most diverse and needy community in the city.
Music for Food is a national organization which recently established a chapter in the Twin Cities. It is driven by the spirit of volunteerism, and it could not exist without the support of its musicians and its audience. There are three components to its mission,
Free will offering in lieu of tickets for concert entry visit. To donate in advance visit
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The congregation will host a post-concert reception in Fellowship Hall.
2020 W Lake of the Isles Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55405
(612) 377-5095