Place : 2020 W. Lake of the Isles Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN
Cost : $27 Adult, $12.50 5-12yrs, Free under 5
Phone : 612-377-5095
SATURDAY JUNE 6TH. – 6:00 p.m.
Social Hour on the Patio (weather permitting)
- Appetizers and Beverages
- Creamed Shrimps on Rye Bread
- Marinated Västerbotten Cheese with Cloudberries
- and wrapped baked olives.
- Martin Bertilsson will entertain us with some history about Swedish National Day and Summer songs.
Smorgasbord (and maybe some “allsång” – sing along with help from Martin)
- A variety of Breads and Hard Tack & Butter
- Glasmästare Sill – the Glass Blowers Herring
- Basil & Lime Herring
- Matjes Herring served with Apples, Capers & Beets and
- “Hovmästarpotatis” (potato salad flavored with mustard and dill)
- Boiled Fingerlings Potatoes
- Lemon Marinated Eggs
- Two kinds of Swedish Cheeses
- Dill and Vodka Marinated Salmon served with Sweet Dill Mustard Sauce
- Cold Baked Salmon served with Aioli and Fennel Salad
- Pickled Cucumbers
- Smoked Sliced Ham
- “Legym Salad” – asparagus, cauliflower, carrots in a creamy dill dressing
- Fresh Fruit Platter
- Brie and Blue Cheese & Olives and Crackers
- Jansson Temptation (a creamy potato dish)
- Swedish Meatballs and Lingonberries
- Prinskorv (Swedish Wieners) and Mustard
- Små Jordgubbs Bakelser – Small Strawberry Pastries with Vanilla Cream.
Seating is Limited. Please make reservations at Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church
The monthly smorgasbord not only offers an opportunity for LOTI friends and neighbors to gather for fellowship and enjoy genuine Scandinavian hospitality, but the meals also support the benevolence work of our congregation. Proceeds are directed toward those less fortunate in our immediate community. Through the proceeds of the monthly smorgasbord, LOTI supports Joyce Community Food Shelf, Our Saviour’s Housing and Community Emergency Services.