Working Speaker Series

December 2, 2018 | 11:00 am
Place : LOTI Christy Room

Working is the theme of an ongoing speaker series in which people talk about what they do all day and how they feel about what they do. Many people within our congregation are engaged in fascinating work, and this series gives us an opportunity to learn more about what they do.

The next segment includes LOTI Treasurer Ross Bartels and TPT Vice President Melinda Hoke will address the possibilities for financial giving at Lake of the Isles. Ross will focus on the immediate possibilities and challenges of the new tax law and Melinda will speak on the Five Ps, People, Property, Plans, Planners and Philanthropy. She will also answer the questions, 1) Must I have a will, 2) how to Include charity in your plan, and 3) What to think about in making a plan.

If you are interested in sharing your Working story, please contact [email protected]
