The prayer ministry group would welcome anyone who would like to join them on Friday mornings in the Christy Room at 9:15-10:00 a.m. Please contact Deb Gilroy, Janna Haug or Linda Nelson for more information if you are interested.

A big thank you to Don, Connie, Jay and Clayton for preparing and serving the delicious St. Martin’s dinner on November 12th.  We had a great turnout and everyone enjoyed the meal.  We would also like to thank Eric and Renate Amann and Ross Formell and Susanne Haas for providing beverages for the evening.  Below are a few pictures of this fun evening.
Chef Don and Assistant Chef Jay.

Connie and Clayton



The coat drive for PPL (Project for Pride in Living) was a great success. We collected 10 children’s coats, 37 adult coats, 11 scarves, 26 hats and 19 pairs of mittens and gloves.  In addition, Pastor Haug went shopping with the proceeds from the St. Martin’s dinner and bought an additional 13 hats/headbands and 27 pairs of mittens and gloves. Thank you all for your generosity. Julie from PPL picked up everything last week and was thrilled with the amount of items we had collected. They have several homeless people they are assisting right now and are in great need of outerwear now that winter is finally here.
Thank you!

Pledge cards are available in the narthex or ask one of the ushers to get one for you on Sunday if you did not receive one in the mail or have not turned your card in yet.

The tea and cookie sale will be held on Sunday, December 11Th.  Please call or e-mail Margaret Coleman ([email protected]) 612 802-3186 or Wendy Westerberg ([email protected]) 612 388-3717 if you can help with one or both of these events.  Donations  of cookies (3 dozen would be great) are needed and can be dropped off at the church on Friday, December 9th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.  We will also need food donations for the tea and help setting up, serving and clean-up would be greatly appreciated.  There will be a planning/organizational meeting on Sunday, December 4th in the library.  Please feel free to join.
Set-up for the tea and cookie sale will be on Saturday morning, December 10th at 10:00 a.m. in Fellowship Hall.

We are collecting winter clothing for PPL. Please bring new and gently used (clean) mittens, gloves, scarves and hats, as well as new or gently used and cleaned winter jackets. A box is set up in the narthex for you to put your donated items. The last day for donation is Sunday, November 20.

Please contact Eric Mechels, Stewardship Chair,  with any questions about stewardship or your pledge


[email protected]

The tea and cookie sale will be held on Sunday, December 13th this year. Please call or e-mail Margaret Coleman ([email protected], 612 802-3186) or Wendy Westerberg ([email protected], 612 388-3717) if you are able to help with one or both of these activities.

If you are looking for our Facebook page or Twitter account click on the social media icon buttons in the upper right hand corner of the homepage. You may also click on the email button to contact the church office.

Nov 6:  Daylight Savings Time ends – move your clocks back 1 hour and enjoy the extra hour of sleep.  See you in Sunday School all rested up.

Nov 13:  Sunday School children participate in worship for St Martin’s Day.

Nov 13:  Winter Gear Drive ends. Accepting new or gently used winter coats, hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves (Kid and adult sizes) Donations will go to PPL (Project Pride for Living).

Nov 27:  3rd  annual  “Family (Advent)ures”  We hope you can join us after worship on November 27 for this special event geared towards families with children from toddler age to elementary age children.  We will gather after worship in Fellowship Hall.  There will be an assortment of projects for families to chose from to prepare for the season of Advent and Christmas including a service project assembling care packages for our college age students.   If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask Diane LaMere, Children’s Ministry Director.

Nov 27:  Advent Calendars (with chocolate!) will be distributed to children

Looking ahead: The Sunday School Christmas Program is Sunday, December 18.  Rehearsal and preparation will happen during Sunday School for several weeks prior to the program.
