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Nov 6:  Daylight Savings Time ends – move your clocks back 1 hour and enjoy the extra hour of sleep.  See you in Sunday School all rested up.

Nov 13:  Sunday School children participate in worship for St Martin’s Day.

Nov 13:  Winter Gear Drive ends. Accepting new or gently used winter coats, hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves (Kid and adult sizes) Donations will go to PPL (Project Pride for Living).

Nov 27:  3rd  annual  “Family (Advent)ures”  We hope you can join us after worship on November 27 for this special event geared towards families with children from toddler age to elementary age children.  We will gather after worship in Fellowship Hall.  There will be an assortment of projects for families to chose from to prepare for the season of Advent and Christmas including a service project assembling care packages for our college age students.   If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask Diane LaMere, Children’s Ministry Director.

Nov 27:  Advent Calendars (with chocolate!) will be distributed to children

Looking ahead: The Sunday School Christmas Program is Sunday, December 18.  Rehearsal and preparation will happen during Sunday School for several weeks prior to the program.


The Sunday School children and their families are going to prepare care packages for our LOTI college-age students. The Care Packages will contain hand-made cards from our Sunday School kids, a letter of encouragement from Pastor Haug, healthy snacks and other fun items.  The packages will be mailed early in December just before finals.

Parents, if you would like a care package to be sent to your college-age child, please send an email to Diane LaMere, Children’s Ministry Director ([email protected]) with their mailing address no later than Wednesday, November 16. Please include the date that your child has finals week as well.

Reserve a month in 2017 to provide a meal for Our Saviour’s Housing.  Our congregation provides the meal the first Friday of every month.  If you are a Thrivent member, you can get a grant from them to help you cover costs.  Any questions or sign up with Cheri Moe (952-431-5226 or [email protected]).
Thank you to Sean and Margaret Coleman who served the Shelter Meal on October 7th.
The prayer ministry group would welcome anyone who would like to join them
on Friday mornings in the Christy Room at 9:15-10:00 a.m. Please contact
Deb Gilroy, Janna Haug or Linda Nelson for more information.

c25d2045-530d-4293-9173-dacc786012b4Sean Coleman has volunteered to take pictures for an updated church directory. Pictures will be taken on Sundays November 6th and 13th.  We invite everyone to participate–whether this will be the first time you have your picture taken or to update what is in the old directory. He will be set up in the Christy Room at about 10:45 right after the service.

Please join Dawn Allan and the LOTI choir on Wednesday evenings for rehearsal at 7:30 p.m.  Newcomers are welcome. The choir rehearses in Fellowship Hall.

We welcome the following newly baptized infants to Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church:

Nolan Richard Fawver 
Baptized:  July 31, 2016
Parents:  Jason and Kristin Fawver

Avery Aileen Nelson
Baptized:  August 21, 2016
Parents:  Ryne and Jennifer Nelson

Luca Alexander Ducuns
Baptized:  September 18, 2016
Parents:  Meredith and Christophe Ducuns

Harper Jacqueline Long
Baptized:  September 26, 2016
Parents:  Anne and Robert Long

Please keep these new little members and their families in your prayers.

On Reformation Sunday, October 30th, members were confirmed during our worship service.
Stephanie Christine Amann

Daughter of Renate and Eric Amann

Katherine Frances Mechels

Daughter of Naomi and Eric Mechels

Jorgen Lars Olson

Son of Lars and Chanda Olson

Ethan Thomas Rand

Son of Sarah Rand and Matthew Rand


From left to right:  Stephanie, Jorgen, Pastor Haug, Kate & Ethan.
Please welcome the following new members who were received into the congregation on
Sunday, October 16th:
Jon, Susan and Isabelle Einess
Andrew, Megan, Winifred and Jackson Ulland


Cindy and Michael Huttner


Eivor Lund
Laura Nortwen

