Children’s Ministry January 2019
Sunday School
will resume on Sunday, January 6 with our annual movie day: watching a beautifully animated movie called The Very First Noel. Narrated by Andy Griffith, the movie tells the story of the three wisemen following the magnificent star in search of the newborn King.
Kids are invited to come in their PJs for our movie day!
Family Fun Day 
We are excited to offer this new opportunity for everyone on
Sunday, January 20
11am to 1pm!
Bring your skates and warm clothes to church. We will gather in Fellowship Hall for soup lunch after worship and get our gear on to ice skate on Lake of the Isles. Free loaner skates are available on a first come, first served basis at the warming house. Sizes and quantities vary. More details will be available in the worship bulletin as we get closer to the date.