Wedding at Cana

January 28, 2024 | 9:30 am - 10:30 am
Place : Sanctuary

It has become a tradition at Lake of the Isles to celebrate Jesus’ first miracle of turning water into wine as the Wedding at Cana Sunday. In the Syriac Christian Church of the Middle East, the Sunday before the beginning of Lent is marked as Cana Sunday. It is a day to celebrate the gifts of family and food before the penitential season of fasting begins and to be reminded that God’s abundance will be shared again. In the Western Church calendar, this same passage is often read at the beginning of Epiphany season. It is a revelation of Jesus’ divine nature and his first miracle.

For Lake of the Isles, it is an occasion for celebrating the many couples who have been married in the church. Join us along with the Lake String Quartet to celebrate this special Sunday.
