Women’s Book Group

November 20, 2020 | 5:00 pm
Place : Zoom
You’re Invited to Read with Us!
Contact Deb Gilroy to be added to the participants list, if you have not yet joined us.
She will schedule meetings & send invitations.
November’s Selection…

It is September 8, 1943, and fourteen-year-old Claudette Blum and her father are among the thousands of Jewish refugees scrambling over the Alps toward Italy, where they hope to find safety now that the Italians have broken from Germany and made a separate peace with the Allies. The Blums will soon discover that Italy is anything but peaceful, as it quickly becomes an open battleground for the Nazis, the Allies, Resistance fighters, Jews in hiding, and ordinary Italian civilians trying to survive.
Tracing the lives of a handful of fascinating characters-a charismatic Italian Resistance leader, a priest, an Italian rabbi’s family, a disillusioned German doctor-Mary Doria Russell tells the little-known story of the vast underground effort by Italian citizens who saved the lives of 43,000 Jews during the final phase of World War II. A Thread of Grace puts a human face on